
Saturday, March 5, 2011


Holy Preview Update Batman!!

I have new respect for TextMate. I had the web preview open and I made a change to some javascript (switching the username from a sample user to my username) and the preview updated immediately to show me the changes.

Slick and very handy for editing this web app.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

PlayBook App

Well, my first PlayBook app is in development. I am going to write it using the BlackBerry WebWorks SDK which boils down to; I am writing a web app. I don't know the latest web technologies to save my life so this should be a good experiment to see how easy it is to develop something.

I've found two Javascript libraries to help me along the way and handle a large portion of the work I need for this app. Now I just need to do the gluing and get to work on getting something running in two weeks.

I will be doing a PlayBook Hackathon in 2 weeks and I want to be able to demo the app at the end of the event so I am taking my experience from my last Hackathon and going into this one with the basics of the app laid out. Then at the Hackathon I can get some advice on any areas that are giving me trouble.

Expect some further posts as I progress and once I get the demo completed.