
Saturday, May 24, 2008

One Sleep Left

Well, it's been a while since I last posted. Here is an update:

  • Ran the last few runs during my taper. Nothing eventful still some calf tightness.
  • Missed my last 2 runs since I was feeling sluggish and figured better to not run than get in 2 more short runs.
  • Did an interview for the CBC Radio One show In Town and Out with Michael Bhardwaj about preparing for and why I want to do my first Marathon. When I get permission to post the interview I will. For now check out the home page and look for the First Marathoner story.
  • Picked up my friend Scott who egged me into doing the ING Ottawa Marathon this year and I egged him into joining me.
  • Played running bum with Scott and hung out for a long time at the Running Expo.
  • Relaxed and hung out with Scott and my family.

So everyone asks what time am I aiming for. I have no real idea what I can do the Marathon in. I have had calf cramping issues and a tight hamstring. Everything feels better now and hopefully the two taper weeks have done me good. That said, the calf cramping has been a major mental wall that I have had to deal with. This had made me doubt my ability to do the entire race running (something I strive for, minus the occasional water station walk break).

I fell strong and have been increasing my potassium intake which should help reduce cramping. I have even gone out and gotten a sports drink with more potassium to try to help with that killer 16 mile point when the cramps hit.

Ok, gotta go to bed and get some rest.

I'll post an update tomorrow night.

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