
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Eve of iPhone Tech Talk Toronto

Phil Casgrain and I arrived today in Toronto via Porter. That was a great decision, Phil got to head into his companies Toronto office for some work and I planted myself at a Starbucks where I did work.

Tonight, thanks to Twitter, we saw that some iPhone Devs from Montreal were in the bar of the Hyatt (where the iPhone Tech Talk is being held Dec 3, 2009) and we headed over to meet some fellow devs. This networking was great, we got to trade some dev war stories, joke about the next great app (can you say a $69.99 web flashlight app? ok just kidding), and talk about many of the topics that have been floating about the internet with regards to iPhone development.

We also got to meet some of the Apple evangelists who will be leading the sessions tomorrow.

Some of the topics we covered included, but were not limited to, how app reviews are handled, the use of static analysis, strategies for releasing an app (be early with just enough or wait for more features and risk being beat out by another app), Square and it's new iPhone dongle payment system, how micro-payments are changing the landscape of the app store market, and more. As you can tell this was a lively discussion since Phil and I were there for only about 2.5 hours.

As a developer this type of socializing was a great experience. It is seldom, since University, that I have been in an environment where everyone is so into programming and are all floating about the same wavelength.

It's fun to roam among your own kind.

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