
Monday, December 30, 2013

A New Job

Tomorrow, December 31st, 2013 is my last day at BlackBerry.  I have been with BlackBerry for just under 4 years (3 years 10 months).

First things first, some common questions:
  • Why are you leaving?
    • To be a stay at home Dad for the next 8 months.  The number one goal is to help my youngest to get a solid academic start in Kindergarten for entry into 1st grade next school year.
  • Are you really just going to another company and don't want to say?
    • No.  I am really going off to help me kids.
    • I don't plan to work the summer since it will be a chance for the boys and I to do lots of the things we love to do this summer.  Swim, hike, bike, fish, name a few.
  • Can you afford this?
    • Yes.  My wife are I are lucky enough to work high stress jobs that pay us well.  So one of us going off is not an issue.
  • Are you going back to work at some point?
    • That's the plan, I love programming, I love my job.  But my family needs me more at this time.
  • Are you going to do anything else while you are off?
    • I will have 2.5 hours off each morning without the kids (youngest is in half day kindergarten).  I have a long list of things I want to do.  This is not an exhaustive or detailed list but it includes music, art, running, biking, electronics, and volunteering.  We'll see what I decide to tackle.
  • Will I be on BBM?
    • I will probably have a new account and I should be on BBM.  I won't have it on my active phone though so it will be more of a check occasionally and use for Video Chats with family and friends.
  • What phone will I use?
    • A Windows Phone.  We get a great deal through Michele's plan at work (Microsoft).  I am looking forward to trying out another platform.
  • Don't you have an iPhone?
    • Nope.  Never have owned one.  I have only used work assigned ones for testing our products.

Onto the next adventure. 

Only 2 sleeps to being a Stay at Home Dad.


  1. Fantastic mark and good luck I the next stage of your life. Now I won't have a bbm buddy anymore really :/. How will you chat with people from your windows phone?

  2. Enjoy your time home with the kids, you'll be busy, welcome to the club!
