
Monday, January 20, 2014

Football in the USA

It's hard to not get caught up in Football Mania living in the US.  Kids are encouraged to wear their colours/jerseys to school and church on/before game days.  Everyone talks about the game, many with too much seriousness.

It really is a way of life down here.  Much like the insanity that ensues in Ottawa when the Sens are on a winning streak or are in the playoffs.  Canadians can not poo poo Americans for their love of a sport.

Canada : Hockey as United States : Football

Thankfully, the NFL playoffs and Super Bowl are much shorter and don't drag on into summer like the NHL playoffs.

The kids are really getting into it with all the hoopla at school and their friends.  They are making Seahawks themed colouring pages, hats, banners, etc at school and church.  Church even showed a Seahawks versus 49ers montage today and there were comments to the effect that God was on our side.


Well, that ridiculousness said, we will be tuning in for the big game come February 2nd.

How can we not?  Our new home team is in the Super Bowl!



  1. Working at theScore really opened my eyes to how big the NFL is down there (it's the biggest segment of users of our app). Never grew up a football fan but it really is exciting if you let yourself get into it.

  2. I've never understood how people become so invested in professional sports. I enjoy going to the odd game but I much prefer the Juniors or Olympics when it comes to hockey.

    I find it much easier to get behind the "country" than the local team. The local team might have one player from the area and players bounce around multiple teams.. So exactly what are you cheering for? The GM who builds the best team? I dunno.

    Went to one NFL game in San Fran and it was quite the experience.

  3. Yes, Football is something else.

    The going story for Seattle is that our fans are so loud in our stadium they call it the 12th Man. Our fans re quiet when the Seahawks are in a huddle and on offense. When we are on defense though, they crank up the noise.

    This is such an issue for other teams that one team attempted to simulate the 106 decibel readings from Seattle with speakers during their practices leading up to playing the Seahawks. The result, they blew the speakers and could not match the level of noise.

    That is something.

    As for teams, I agree with Dave. I have always been big into the Olympics since I like the thought of rooting for your country.

    As for getting into a particular team. I saw a good tweet today that said, once you think of sports fans as Sci-Fi fans, and wearing a team jersey as cosplay, it all starts to make more sense. Never group is weird, they are just showing their love for their "thing".
