
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April is Fitness Month

Image: 2009 Paris Marathon
Well, I have had a bit of a theme each month since I took time off with the kids. January was about figuring out a routine with the kids and I kicked up the blogging which continued into February with heavy guitar playing. March has been more about doing things around the house and reading a lot.

So, what is April's theme going to be? On the topic of last weeks Blerch, I think it needs to be fighting The Blerch and the best way to do that is to meet it head on and dedicate a month to fitness to help kick start the battle.

So, April I am aim to do more exercise. Let's see if I can beat these numbers:

  • 3 runs a week at 35+ minutes per run
  • 1 swim per week at 35+ minutes
  • Add weight lifting, let's say twice a week.
    • I'll try to hit the gym for this but this might end up being kettlebells and bodyweight exercises like pushups, jumping jacks, pull-ups, planks, etc. 
So, that's a goal of 6 days of exercise a week. With 30 days, I am aiming to hit 24 of those exercising.

While I have been off I have done ok with weight but not stepped up my exercise amount. I have mostly lost weight by eating out less and doing more activity each day (walks, playing with kids, canoeing, and house projects).

I lost about 10 lbs the last 3 months with no plan.

Let's see how well I do over a month of dedicated exercise.

Ok, about the time, why 35 minutes? It takes about 5 minutes of easing into your run or swim before you should step it up to your training pace (in my case, whatever pace feel comfortable since I am not training for anything at the moment) and then I want to do 30 minutes of good old Aerobic Zone exercise.  So, to be easier to track I will say 35+ minutes since I hope to up my mileage as the month goes on.

Feel free to message me and make sure I am on track. I'll track everything on Endomondo like I normally do.

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